The growing trend for recycling has spurred a hand-me-down culture that no longer has stigma attached to it, but gNappies, the purveyor of the hybrid nappy, urges parents to think beyond clothing or nursery equipment when considering suitable items to pass on.
Clothes swapping and recycling has become not just necessary or accepted but an embraced solution – both to facilitate cost savings and bring eco-benefits, and now parents can pass on their eco-friendly efforts by handing down gNappies - a hybrid system combining cloth nappy with disposable element - passing them on to friends or from first child to second, making the initial investment even more cost-effective.
gNappies president Kim Graham-Nye, who founded the company with husband Jason, said: “When you plan to have more than one baby it makes sense to save any costly items and clothes, as the parents among us know how quickly children grow. In addition, the popularity of clothes swapping parties means parents often pass items on to friends who may be expecting a child.
“Over the average timespan of nappy-wearing, non-disposables work out cost-effectively anyway, however, parents considering shunning disposable nappies can be further assured that their initial investment in a hybrid nappy system is a sensible one as the reusable pants and cloth inserts can be used again if more babies are planned. The gNappies little gPants come in a variety of colours and patterns that are not just functional items to pass down but also super-cute! They can be used with either gCloth inserts or biodegradable gRefills, offering the option to combine reusable and disposable for the best of both worlds.”
gNappies is the world’s first hybrid system; gRefills offer the disposable element as they can be home-composted or thrown away in the domestic waste, and gCloths offer the reusable element as they are washable.
Kim started gNappies after learning that conventional disposable nappies are the third largest contributors to landfills in the world despite only five per cent of the population using them. Wanting to make a change, Kim and husband Jason developed gNappies – a system made up of washable cotton nappy pant and either 100 per cent biodegradable gRefills or a washable gCloth. Disposable nappies take up to 500 years to decompose, whereas gRefills decompose in 50 – 100 days in home compost and can also be disposed of in domestic waste.
Kim added: “What could be greener than not only investing in eco-friendly nappies, but passing it on to create even less waste. Many parents aspire to care more for the environment, usually as a result of the concern for the future of the planet and their child – and using gNappies can make a real difference to the planet and the reduction of landfill waste.”
gNappies are available in all colours, patterns and sizes, including gBundles to get parents started, at, and also
Clothes swapping and recycling has become not just necessary or accepted but an embraced solution – both to facilitate cost savings and bring eco-benefits, and now parents can pass on their eco-friendly efforts by handing down gNappies - a hybrid system combining cloth nappy with disposable element - passing them on to friends or from first child to second, making the initial investment even more cost-effective.
gNappies president Kim Graham-Nye, who founded the company with husband Jason, said: “When you plan to have more than one baby it makes sense to save any costly items and clothes, as the parents among us know how quickly children grow. In addition, the popularity of clothes swapping parties means parents often pass items on to friends who may be expecting a child.
“Over the average timespan of nappy-wearing, non-disposables work out cost-effectively anyway, however, parents considering shunning disposable nappies can be further assured that their initial investment in a hybrid nappy system is a sensible one as the reusable pants and cloth inserts can be used again if more babies are planned. The gNappies little gPants come in a variety of colours and patterns that are not just functional items to pass down but also super-cute! They can be used with either gCloth inserts or biodegradable gRefills, offering the option to combine reusable and disposable for the best of both worlds.”
gNappies is the world’s first hybrid system; gRefills offer the disposable element as they can be home-composted or thrown away in the domestic waste, and gCloths offer the reusable element as they are washable.
Kim started gNappies after learning that conventional disposable nappies are the third largest contributors to landfills in the world despite only five per cent of the population using them. Wanting to make a change, Kim and husband Jason developed gNappies – a system made up of washable cotton nappy pant and either 100 per cent biodegradable gRefills or a washable gCloth. Disposable nappies take up to 500 years to decompose, whereas gRefills decompose in 50 – 100 days in home compost and can also be disposed of in domestic waste.
Kim added: “What could be greener than not only investing in eco-friendly nappies, but passing it on to create even less waste. Many parents aspire to care more for the environment, usually as a result of the concern for the future of the planet and their child – and using gNappies can make a real difference to the planet and the reduction of landfill waste.”
gNappies are available in all colours, patterns and sizes, including gBundles to get parents started, at, and also